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FASANA - Hospitality in every napkin

FASANA is a major manufacturer and supplier of fast-moving consumer goods in the “At Home” and “Away from Home” sectors. As a company, FASANA has been developing and producing tissue products for the table setting for more than 100 years. At FASANA, “everything is under one roof”, from tissue production on its own paper machine to the finished product. All FASANA products are Made in Germany and FSC®-certified. In addition to cellulose, FASANA uses alternative sustainable raw materials for its napkins. These include grass, cotton mix and unbleached fibers.

Serviette in der Farbe Rot von FASANA

The FASANA Away from Home range includes napkins for all aspects of professional table setting. The three product worlds make it easier to find the right solution. In addition to classic moments in the FASANA PROFIline, there are sustainable moments in the FASANA BIOline. The FASANA SUPERIORline offers high-quality napkins for special moments. All products are harmoniously coordinated and can be combined with each other.

Serviette in der Farbe Weiss von FASANA