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elasto REuse

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elastoREuse - REuse today, save tomorrow.

The elastoREuse reusable to-go packaging puts an end to unnecessary waste production. They are the sustainable alternative to disposable packaging and offer enough space for hot and cold food to be transported and eaten safely.

The boxes have been carefully developed and optimized in close cooperation with a wide variety of restaurateurs. At elastoREuse you will find a large selection of packaging that is sustainable and made from recyclable materials.

Wiederverwendbarer Becher von elasto REuse
Wiederverwendbare Pizzabox von elasto REuse
Mehrwegboxen von elasto REuse

The company makes sure that the products are both environmentally friendly and durable to ensure that they remain in use for a long time and do not produce any additional unnecessary waste.

The elastoREuse range is the reusable and sustainable solution - for fast food without a guilty conscience and 100% made in Germany.