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The art of mastering the mid-season: tips for restaurateurs to attract and retain guests

The high season is drawing to a close - and so are the numbers of guests. Some restaurateurs neglect the low season and advertise with price reductions or even close the entire business. With these tips, you too can remain attractive in the mid-season.

Sonnenstrahlen im Wald

Mid-season: How new & old guests come to you

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Full house in the high season, then a big lull: many restaurateurs struggle with low guest numbers in the low season or close their establishments completely. However, the more the mid-season is neglected, the fewer guests there will logically be. However, price reductions during this period only increase the number of overnight stays for a short time. If you want to make your hotel attractive in the mid-season, you should expand your offer and communicate it better.

Tips for the low season: What do your guests want?

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The way to more bookings is through the needs of your guests: be clear about which holidaymakers come to your hotel in the mid-season. Outside of the vacations, it is not families with school-age children who travel, but mainly couples or friends who want to treat themselves to a few days of relaxation or want to experience something. Think about why these people will find what they are looking for at your hotel. Does the nature around your hotel have a special charm outside the high season? Are there special customs or festivals that could be of interest to holidaymakers? Or does a certain service make your hotel independent of the season, for example a beautiful wellness area or excellent cuisine? The key to attracting more guests in the mid-season is to appeal to the right people and convince them with a unique, creative offer.

Services: Do your best despite the mid-season

The very term “low season” conveys a certain disdain for this period. Get rid of the idea that the off-season brings a lull in guests and show your guests that it is always high season for your business.

High standard despite low season

Don't extend renovation work or repairs over the entire low season, but make sure that any defects are completed quickly. This way, your guests will feel comfortable even in the off-season and will be happy to return.

More service instead of a price discount

Mid-season is low price season: many hotels reduce their prices in order to attract vacationers. But psychologically, a lower price also conveys lower quality. Instead, give your guests more services that don't have to cost much more, but make your establishment stand out from the crowd of hotels: Creative arrangements on the theme of romance, autumn, culinary delights, hiking or shopping activate the imagination of potential guests as soon as they read the offer and show what your hotel has to offer.

Attractive offers for short breaks

Guests in the mid-season often only stay for the weekend or two days during the week. This group includes people who do not take a big annual vacation but spread their vacation days over many small trips. Couples also like to use the low season to get away from it all and spend time together. Accommodate guests arriving at the weekend with flexible check-in times or be accommodating when checking out: sleeping in, having brunch and leaving just as relaxed is certainly every short vacationer's dream.

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Our tip

Don't just use your sun terrace in the high season. With fire baskets or a temporary snow bar, your guests can also enjoy a very special atmosphere in fall and winter. With the right furniture and textiles, your patio will also be cozy in the off-season.

Information: Tell your guests how beautiful the mid-season is

Are you spending your entire advertising budget on the high season? Why don't you change your plans, because many of your guests probably don't even know that it's great at your hotel all year round. Your hotel's offer makes you unique and will be remembered by your guests for a long time. A thought experiment will tell you what recommendations you would like for your hotel: Imagine writing a postcard to your loved ones telling them about their stay at your hotel. The limited space allows you to emphasize the strengths of your hotel in the low season.

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Communicate what?

Vacations are not just sun and sea: take your guests on a journey of discovery, because every vacation region offers exciting, beautiful or entertaining things to do at any time of year. Seasonal cuisine, special traditions or unusual excursions are also becoming increasingly popular during the off-season. You can also work together with stores, museums, swimming pools or other regional businesses to give your guests an unforgettable stay: How about a cultural weekend with a visit to the art gallery and local theater, for example? Or a shopping vacation that showcases arts and crafts and other small stores around your hotel?

How to communicate?

The most important advertisement for your hotel is still the website. An attractive internet presence with up-to-date pictures will convince most holidaymakers, as the majority of bookings are also made online. Do you send a newsletter to your former guests? A small reminder at regular intervals or a birthday email will encourage many guests to repeat their wonderful days at your hotel. Travel and vacations are also big topics in social media that you can use for your hotel. Beautiful photos and hotel tips are easily shared and effectively recommended on Facebook or Instagram.