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The gourmet highlight of the dream wedding - the wedding dinner

How was the wedding dinner? Probably the most frequently asked question after a wedding celebration, the guests naturally want to answer with praise and enthusiasm. For the food at such a celebration to be a success, the catering and the bride and groom must pull together. Whether it's a buffet for 50 people or a menu for 90, our tips will help you advise the bride and groom and ensure that the wedding meal is a complete success: from the menu cards and the presentation of the food to immaculate table linen and textiles.

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What you need to consider when organizing a wedding celebration

Menü oder Buffet? Welchen Rat geben Sie für eine Hochzeitsfeier?

Wie wird das Hochzeitsessen zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis für die Gäste? Diese Frage treibt alle Hochzeitspaare um. Viele erhoffen sich professionellen Rat vom Geschäftsführer der auserkorenen Hochzeitslocation. Sowohl das Anrichten der Speisen auf einem Buffet als auch das Servieren eines Menüs hat bei Hochzeiten Vor- und Nachteile. Die Größe der Hochzeitsgesellschaft ist bei dieser Entscheidung ebenso ausschlaggebend, wie die Platzsituation in Ihrer Gastronomie und die Kapazitäten Ihres Persona

  • Wedding buffet
    A food buffet is already visually impressive: a variety of delicacies are attractively presented. At live stations, guests can watch as a chef freshly prepares their steak or fish. A wide variety of tastes are satisfied by an extensive wedding buffet, as each guest can fill their plate to their liking. Going to the buffet loosens up the atmosphere and encourages conversation between guests who do not know each other or are not sitting next to each other. However, large parties often have long waiting times at the buffet. As the organizer of a wedding buffet, make sure there is enough space around the buffet tables and a large supply of crockery. Your service staff should clear empty plates quickly so that guests can try a different flavor of the buffet without unsightly piles of plates at the table. You should also constantly check whether the food is warm enough or whether a dish needs to be refilled.
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Our tip

If possible, place a service employee at the buffet who is available to answer guests' questions and who can react immediately if the bowl of a dish is empty.

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  • Wedding menu
    A well-planned menu sequence looks festive and elegant, and many guests find it more pleasant to be served at their seats. Advise the bride and groom to choose a menu of at least four courses, as this increases the chance that every guest will be satisfied. A wedding menu also structures the time schedule so that speeches, games or other entertaining activities can easily be planned in between courses. Experienced caterers also advise the bride and groom to ask their guests' preferences in the invitations.
Unser Tipp

Sprechen Sie am Tag der Hochzeit mit dem Trauzeugen, der die Koordination des Abends übernommen hat, um die Speisen abgestimmt auf das Programm servieren zu können. Seien Sie dennoch darauf gefasst, dass ein „es dauert nur zehn Minuten“ schnell eine Verzögerung von über einer halben Stunde bedeuten kann.

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  • Combination of buffet and sit-down meals
    The advantages of a buffet can be individually combined with a small menu. Cold starters, cakes and desserts in particular are best presented on a buffet table and give guests plenty of choice. In addition, there are no costs for staff and corresponding hot plates, which would be necessary for a complete wedding buffet. With this option, hot dishes such as the snack, fish course, meat dish and main course are served at the table so that guests can enjoy their meal without having to get up.
Unser Tipp

Vor allem Sweet Tables, phantasievoll angerichtete Kuchen- und Desserttische, liegen im Trend, denn bei dieser Anrichteweise geht dem Gaumenschmaus ein regelrechter Augenschmaus vorweg.

Wedding dinner: Menu sequence and choice of dishes

Some couples know exactly what their guests and they themselves like. Others enjoy thought-provoking and unusual ideas for the wedding meal. These tips will help you give your guests the best possible advice:

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  • Inspiration
    Cream of asparagus soup, veal medallions and tiramisu may taste good, but many bridal couples expect more from a successful wedding meal. Get to know the bridal couple in a preliminary discussion, ask them about their preferences, why they chose your location or about their plans for the honeymoon. Are your guests coming to you because of the Roman atrium and the Mediterranean architecture of your restaurant? A sophisticated menu with dishes from Tuscany or Sicily would go very well with this. If the couple are spending their honeymoon in Cuba, the guests can be taken on a little journey with typical Cuban delicacies. Or is it a themed wedding anyway that caters to the preferences of the bride and groom? A traditional costume wedding with dirndls and lederhosen naturally requires a different menu than a wedding in the style of old Hollywood.
Unser Tipp

Möchte das Brautpaar einen individuellen Vorschlag von Ihnen ohne besondere Vorlieben zu äußern, können Sie sich auch am saisonalen Angebot orientieren. Im Frühling verwenden Sie für einen Menüentwurf am besten Spargel, Spinat und Erdbeeren, im Sommer kommen Gerichte aus Auberginen, Kirschen, Pflaumen und Pfirsichen gut an. Herbstliche Geschmacksnoten verleihen Möhren, Kürbis, Maronen und Feldsalat und im Winter lassen sich hervorragende Gerichte mit Äpfeln, Rosenkohl und Wild zaubern.

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  • Alternative dishes for allergy sufferers, vegetarians & co.
    Many wedding couples only think about meeting the tastes of their guests, but forget that there will be some who do not tolerate or want to eat all the ingredients. Pregnant women, for example, should avoid raw eggs, soft cheese or smoked fish. People with allergies usually have problems with nuts, gluten, seafood or fructose. Talk to the bride and groom about alternative dishes for vegetarians, vegans or known allergy sufferers. If the invitation cards have not yet been sent out, it is worth asking with the invitation whether there are any restrictions on the wedding food.
Our tip

Make sure that your service staff know about ingredients and allergens in the food so that any questions from guests can be answered directly.

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  • Example menus
    Experienced restaurateurs recommend four courses for a successful wedding menu, the structure of which is relatively similar. A starter without meat or fish is followed by a snack that may contain fish or light meat. For the starter, a cream of chestnut soup or a light pumpkin and apple soup would be a good choice. Fresh green salad with pomegranate or orange is also a popular appetizer that whets the appetite for the rest of the wedding menu. A creamy risotto with seasonal vegetables or a fine salmon tartare will whet the appetite for the main course. The main course usually consists of high-quality meat, for example beef or veal with glazed carrots, sugar snap peas and sweet potatoes. Sweet desserts, cakes or a rich cheese platter round off a classic menu.

Die richtige Ausstattung für ein gelungenes Hochzeitsessen

Ob Hochzeitsmenü oder großes Speisenbuffet: Eine Hochzeitsfeierlichkeit verlangt eine bestimmte Ausstattung, die umso umfangreicher ist, je größer die Hochzeitsgesellschaft wird.

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stuehle mr. und mrs.
  • Sufficient crockery and cutlery
    Large wedding receptions require more plates and cutlery than normal events. Whether it's a wedding buffet or a wedding menu, most guests will need more than just one plate per course. Be prepared in case many guests ask for seconds or go to the buffet four times. You should also have enough clean napkins in stock.
Our tip

Have your napkins or chair covers embroidered with "Mr. & Mrs.", for example - this little detail is an additional highlight and perfectly rounds off the table decorations often lovingly planned by the bridal couple.

for personalization arrow

  • Table hygiene
    Do you serve food that is eaten with the fingers? Make sure there is a finger bowl for each guest. This way, the wedding guests can enjoy spare ribs, chicken wings or amuse-gueule without having to worry about your festive wardrobe. If fish, rabbit legs or other dishes with bones are on the menu, you should provide sufficient table garbage cans so that the wedding guests can keep their plates free of bones and table scraps.
  • Condiments
    Even the most sophisticated flavor creation sometimes needs seasoning. Salt and pepper should be within reach of every guest. For special menus, there are certain spices that go well with the dishes. If you are serving an Asian menu, hot chili oil, sesame oil and soy sauce should not be missing. If you are serving a Mediterranean buffet, guests will be delighted with fresh basil, balsamic vinegar or sage.
Our tip

Integrate a spice island into the table decoration and place fresh herbs between decorative plants and decorative pots.