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Artificial flowers & plants for your gastronomy

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Decorative flowers & flower arrangements

Orchidee als Kunstpflanze von VEGA

Bring color and cheerfulness into your establishment with matching decorative elements, because with these you provide a particularly cozy and inviting atmosphere in your business. In addition to decorative flowers and floral arrangements, we offer many other decorative items, whereby our entire range is aimed specifically at commercial customers from the catering and hotel sectors.

Suitable decoration for your premises

The advantage of artificial flowers is that they do not need to be watered and still always look fresh and bloom. The flowers you get from us with or without stems, depending on whether you want to put them in a flower vase or, for example, lay out on the tables or hang in the window. We offer not only single flowers but also whole flower arrangements and bouquets, which are perfect for decorating windowsills and guest tables. Depending on the season, you will find flower arrangements for the different seasons. For example, in the spring dominate more delicate colors such as light pink, white and light green, while in the fall to stronger, warmer colors such as dark green, red and brown.

## We have decoration for every taste All decorative flowers and decorative flower arrangements we offer you generally always in multiple versions, so you are guaranteed to find suitable items for your individual needs and preferences. For example, you can choose between decorative flowers in different colors and quantities. Generally, the artificial flowers and flower arrangements are produced for commercial use in such a way that you will only notice that they are purely decorative flowers when you take a closer look.

Restaurant mit einem Greenery-Konzept

Greenery decoration

The trend is on everyone's lips. Green flair for restaurants, bars and hotels. Under the buzzword "Greenery," restaurateurs are decorating their four walls with a wide variety of green plants. But where does the trend come from? Learn more Decoration trend Greenery.

Greenery wedding

Greenery doesn't just mean green wherever the eye looks. As a caterer, meet the discerning bride and groom with extensive know-how about the wedding trend and the trend color of 2017.

Find out everything you need to know about a Greenery wedding in our LUSINI magazine.

Which plant species are suitable?

When choosing plant species, you should consider both what maintenance is associated with this living decoration, and know what positive qualities some plant species bring. We tell you which plants for greenery decoration are particularly suitable in catering establishments.

More information on the Greenery trend