Set posuda GN Trigno 8-dijelni GN 1/4 i GN 1/6

Veličina GN 1/4, 1500ml, 26.4x16.2x6.5 cm (DxŠxD); Transparentan
39,99 €49,99 €
po Set(s PDV-om 49,99 € plus troškovi dostave)(s PDV-om plus troškovi dostave)
Nažalost, više ne možemo isporučivati ​​artikl koji ste tražili u dovoljnim količinama. (0 dostupno od 1)

Eight-piece GN plastic container set consisting of 2x GN 1/4 and 2x GN 1/6 each including lids:
* 2x container GN 1/4, 1,5 l (26.4 x 16.2 x 6.5 cm) with 2x lid GN 1/4 (26.4 x 16.2 cm)
* 2x container GN 1/6, 1.6 l (17.6 x 16.2 x 10 cm) with 2x lid GN 1/6 (17.6x16.2 cm)
GN plastic containers and lids made of transparent food safe Tritan (copolyester). BPA free. Shockproof and stackable. Temperature resistant from -40 °C to +90 °C. With liter scale. GN containers are real all-rounders that can be used in a variety of ways. The GN container can be used for freezing food as well as for storage in the refrigerator or for hot food. Suitable for dishwashers.

Stavka br.: i30108061